The story begins in 2010, when Fede, Andy and Joaquin met while working together in Wells Fargo Advisors in Miami.
Even though the three of us came from different backgrounds, life experiences and life stages, we quickly realized that we worked incredibly well together and managed to find a unique and harmonious productiveness as a team that was not easy to find.
We have built our philosophy based on putting the collective above the individual. Keeping this in mind, we know that we can create great things and have the most positive impact from the place we each take in our team.
In all of these years working together, we have gone through a variety of moments and stages. From happy ones to sad ones, from moments where we have had to really pull together through tough challenges, be it in our private lives and in our professional goals. We’ve had moments when we didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but we have kept our head high, progressing, learning and become better people and the best professionals we think our clients deserve.
Through the years we have received various recognitions like Forbes Magazine, naming our Financial Advisors in the years 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017. We were the first team in Wells Fargo Advisors International to work under our own brand.
Many people have contributed to the development of our team, each one has given us their all while working with us and have left their mark of excellence along the way.
We are an open-minded team, always ready to keep growing and adding new members that show a great level of ethics, positive attitude, strive to excel and that show and have a lot of grit.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it”.
The above Bolton Global Capital team members are exclusively employed by Bolton Capital Group and licensed with Bolton Global Capital (Member FINRA,SIPC),
the introducing broker dealer of Dupont & Alonso Group